Is bleaching your hair really bad?

Well it doesn't have to be if you find the right colourist. Our colourist at Avalon hairsalon Crouch End are experts in bleaching. We take time to analyse the hair to make sure your hair would withstand the ligtening process. There are certain techniques that you can use to prevent damaging when lifting the colour. One is to use a lower peroxide. A lot of colourist think that they need to blast the hair with the highest level of peroxide so as to get a light colour. This is where the damage occurs. It would be a lot better for the hair if you did two applications of bleach with a low peroxide. This way you can get the lift without the damage.  Olaplex is also one we use that is added to the lightener to protect and strengthen the bonds of your hair during the lightening process. The second step to this is a conditioning treatment that is done after the lightening.

Before deciding on bleaching:


Remember that bleaching is a lifestyle choice. A scalp bleach is a high maintenance colour which requires patience, expertise and is expensive- so please be prepared to look after it!


Hair that has undergone such an extreme colour process needs special care to make sure the colour continues to look great and your hair condition is maintained. Bleached hair should be treated with care, like a delicate fabric. Do not be rough with it.


Avoid washing your hair for at least two days before your bleach so that your scalp is ready. Let the natural oils from your skin build up a little to protect your scalp from the bleach. It will help to keep your scalp from becoming too sensitive during the colour process.


If you are having a scalp bleach be sure to have your regrowth retouch every 4-5 weeks. If you leave it much longer you risk an inconsistent lift and a brassy band and it may then have to be bleached twice, risking damage to the hair and taking more time (and money) to get it right.


Tips to keep your bleached hair beautiful:


Does everyone suit a fringe?


Our Fringe experts at our hair salon, Avalon, Crouch End have spent years recognising what fringe works with which face shape so we've decided to share our knowledge and give you an insight in to the world of fringes. 

Everyone can have a fringe, but you have to adapt the fringe to your face shape.

There are so many types of fringes that can be tailored to your face-shape, hair texture and style.




MAINTENANCE - It will need trimming every 4 weeks.

STYLING - You generally need to blow dry it everyday.

HAIRLINE (GROWTH PATTERNS) -  Your fringe may separate or sit incorrectly for various reasons, cowlicks for example.


NOTE - Never cut a fringe at home….. uneven fringes never look cute!






Sweeping side fringe - this type of fringes are left longer to elongate the face.



Also Curtin fringes have the same effect. They sit at both sides of the face leaving a  lengthens effect.




Long thin faces can pull off longer heavier fringes.

If you widen and have a heavy straight across style of fringe it will help give width to the upper face area.




Brigette Bardot- Esque fringe are most flattering especially if they are textured and choppy. Heart shape can get away with pretty much any fringe.



Soft, layered sweeping fringes complement more angular faces.

Can our curly clients have a fringe? Absolutely!!!

Just make sure it's cut to the natural form of your curl.


At Avalon we pride ourselves on the knowledge we hold on all aspects of colour. Working with various techniques and holding a huge amount of shade choices from various colour specialists such as Wella, L'oreal, Elgon, etc. 

We’ve been told many times that we have the best hair colourist in North London. So you can imagine how many times we get asked “What causes hair to go grey?” 

So let’s start with science. Your hair basically turns grey when the pigment cells that make melanin, a chemical that gives your hair its colour, start to die off. Once a follicle stops making melanin, it won’t make coloured strands again. 

The pigment is actually produced along the hair shaft, and there are two main forms of hair pigment. There's eumelanin and pheomelanin. Eumelanin is what we see in brunettes and darker-haired people, and pheomelanin is what we see in blondes and redheads. The cells in our hair bulb produce a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, which is a metabolic byproduct, and typically there's an enzyme called catalase that breaks this down to water and oxygen. But as we age, there's declining levels of catalase, and this allows the build-up of hydrogen peroxide in the hair bulb, which damages and destroys the melanocytes, or the pigment-producing cells, of our hair. Wow! Who would have thought we naturally produced hydrogen peroxide! 

So there it is, it’s all part of our ageing process but I think we all knew that. There are however some health conditions that may cause premature greying, such as diabetes, pernicious anemia or thyroid problems. 

A cause also can be if you have a deficiency in vitamin B-6,B-12 biotin, vitamin D or E. Smoking is a factor too. A study was taken out in 2013 in Italian Dermatology Online Journal showing smokers are 2 ½ times more likely to start greying early. 

However let me finish with the most common reason for greying. Genetics. 90 percent of all greying is down to our genetics so no matter what we do, it’s all written in stone even before we are born. 



So one of the most popular questions that we get asked at our hairsalon in Crouch End is “are grey hairs caused by stress?”

Well let's look at what we know:-

The human body has millions of hair follicles which generate hair and pigment cells which contain melanin. - FACT

As we age the follicles lose pigment cells which result in the hair turning grey. -FACT 

What we don’t know yet is whether stress can make this greying process happen quicker. 

There have been many studies on this subject. One of which mice were injected with a stimulant which increased the production of adrenaline (poor mice) and the mice turned grey within a few days!

So does this mean if our adrenaline is heightened then we would go grey quicker?!!! - MAYBE   

I'll pass the next time I get asked to go on that roller coaster ride!!

Well let’s just consider a few things here:-

Mice and humans are very different.

Being pumped with adrenaline, (poor, poor mice) is not something we would do to a human.

This would be classed as acute stress. 

The stress we are talking about is more family, work, money related, chronic stress. 

None of which a mouse has to think about so not the best comparison.

So I’m not entirely convinced this study proves much. You could however relate this back to  that rumour where Marie Antoinette’s hair was said to have turned completely grey the night before she was beheaded so maybe they are actually on to something here! Not sure if this is an actual fact or rumour though so the jury is still out?



So another popular question I get asked at Avalon Hair Salon Crouch End is “Is it bad to pull my grey hairs out?”

One of the things you need to know is if you pull your hair out it will grow back and it will still be grey, well generally it will grow back. If you pull the hair and it has a white bulb at the end, this is normal. If it’s red then there’s a chance you have damaged the root  and it won’t ever grow back. Usually grey hairs grow in the same area so if you keep pulling and damaging the root you could end up with a permanent bald patch! I think I'd prefer the grey!

People say that “if you pull your grey's out they grow back thicker or they double.” This is a complete myth. All that will happen is that if you continually keep pulling, then the area will either become thin or bald. If you really want to get rid of the greys, cutting them is an option or pop into Avalon and we’ll give you some advice on how to colour the specific grey areas. This can be done either by placing some low-lights/hi-lights in these areas or maybe a semi-permanent to disguise those persty beggars!


Hmmmmm, you’re thinking of colouring your hair at home?

Well unless you are reading this and we are on yet another lockdown and there are no hairdressers open, then back away from that box! 

I understand that it is a lot cheaper to do your own hair but it’s a false economy. If you get it wrong it’ll be a lot more expensive in the long run. Let me tell you why.

The ingredients in box dyes are much harsher on the hair. It is high in ammonia, metallic salts, PPDs to name a few.

So as a hairdresser I must explain some of the things we have to ask ourselves when a client sits in our seats.

Do they have grey hair?

What condition is the hair in?

Has the hair been coloured previously or is it virgin hair?

What undertone colours are there?

Are they on any medication which could affect their hair?

Do they have any allergies?

And it goes on……………

There are four big mistakes that I generally see when a client sits at my chair after doing a home colour.

1/ The colour they used really grabs and is way too dark, especially around the hairline where there is normally more grey.

If this happens then the colour needs to be stripped out which is where the big bucks come in. We have to go through a bleaching process to strip the colour out. We need to do this gently so as not to over process and damage the hair and then once we have it at the correct lightness we then re-colour with a lighter shade. This obviously is time consuming and due to this it can be quite expensive. 

2/ Root glow, a different colour and peroxide is usually needed for the roots to what is needed for the ends. If you have ever tried to colour your own hair you’ll know that it’s really hard to just do your roots. What happens is that you end up colouring the whole head each time so the roots are lighter than the ends. This is called progressive dying where the ends are much darker than the roots. I see this a lot believe me! 

3/ When you're fed up of being blonde and you decide you want to be brown. This is the worst! If you remember your colour spectrum from school, you’ll know that yellow and brown make green. Not the look I think you’re looking for. Our Colour Experts at Avalon Crouch End Hairdressers know the right colour to suit and it usually isn’t one colour we also know when to pre-pig the hair so as not to turn the hair green. So please bear this in mind when you're feeling the brunette look. 

4/ You’ve been dark for so long, you want to be blonde. 

This is very fiddly and awkward to do. Check out my instagram videos on how to hi-light your own hair and you’ll understand. This was taken during lockdown one when we didn’t know how long we would be locked up for. If done wrong it can be disastrous for your hair and is something that REALLY needs to be done professionally and gradually. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t do this at home if the hairdressers are open!






Well let's just start with the fact that this is most definitely not a shampoo in a can! It does not clean your hair. You basically use it to dry out any oils in the hair and as a bonus it adds body to the roots which gives your hair some body and lift instead of that greasy flat look some of us have, including myself. So it doesn’t take the grease away, it’s just less noticeable. But is it bad for your hair? Well generally, I’d say no however you do need to shampoo your hair every two to three days so as not to get a build up of this wonder spray. If you don’t then yes it is. The buildup of dirt and grease on the scalp can lead to a bacterial infection called folliculitis which can then lead to hair loss. So please make sure you don’t keep spraying!! 

Ask the team at Avalon Hairdressers Crouch End for more advice on how to stop greasy hair. 



So you’re at the shampoo section at the supermarket and you ask yourself, “do I just buy a cheap shampoo and conditioner as the kids end up using them as shower gel anyway?”

Well my advice to you is, “you get what you pay for. Buy the good stuff and hide it away from the persky body washes!” 

Why, you ask? Well, the cheaper the shampoo, the more likely it is that it has a harsher detergent in which can strip your hair of it’s oils and can irritate the scalp which can lead to a dry scalp. They also contain more water and fillers where as expensive ones have more oils and vitamins which helps protect the hair. 

Surfactants are the key ingredients to cleaning the hair, they remove the oils but too much of this can be damaging. The cheaper the shampoo the more surfactants. Have you ever noticed how much the cheaper shampoo larvers up compared to the expensive ones? Well this could be why.

Also all shampoos contain silicones, (these are what make your hair soft). The cheaper the shampoo the larger the silicones. The smaller the silicones the less chance there is of having a build up which can cause your hair to feel greasy.

So what about the conditioner? 

Well don’t get me started on the conditioners. I have always personally classed a conditioner to be as important as a face moisturiser. So whatever money i’ve spent on my moisturiser I would equally spend on my conditioner. 

What does a conditioner do? 

Well the main reason to condition your hair is to coat and protect it from exposure of everyday damage. It helps to nourish the hair so as to help it keep growing healthily and stop any breakage. It also smooths and detangles it so it’s easier to comb, increases the shine and reduces any frizz, all in one bottle!

As with shampoos the more expensive conditioners are, the more expensive the ingredients which give you more chance of actually achieving all that a conditioner promises. 

I would highly recommend you talk to one of our hairstylists at Avalon to give you the exact shampoo and conditioner for your specific hair needs. 

Ask our Kerastase experts at Avalon Hair Salon Haringey for more information on what products you should be using for your hair type.




Wash, Rinse, Repeat!!!

Well as a hairdresser I’m all about getting the most from the hair. If one wash leaves you with lank locks then maybe two shampoos are for you. It actually all depends on how dirty your hair is!

The first wash is really to get rid of grease, dirt and any products. The second wash is where the lather created. If your hair is clean then there really isn’t any reason to shampoo twice. We do two shampoos at our hair salon in Crouch End, as we like your hair to be squeaky clean so we can create the best cut and blow dry possible. One of the reasons why we have the reputation of being the best hairdressers in North London.

So the conclusion is if you wash your hair every day then one shampoo is fine. 

So here you are, a whole new world of colour names you've never heard of. Sombre, Ombre, Balayage and now Layage!!! Confused? Ok let's shed some light on this barrage of Balayages!


Ok let's start with the Sombre. The Sombre is a subtle colour transition from roots to ends. It's basically an Ombre but softer. The appearance of dark roots is less harsh than before and therefore colour is more seamlessly melted together. Some people find it a little too subtle while others love the soft, gradual contrast of the colour shades. The ultimate effect is a less of an abrupt contrast from roots to ends. By using tones that are a few shades lighter and a few shades darker than the natural colour base helps make the whole affect a lot more natural. Make sense?


Ombre, meaning from dark to light, darker roots and lighter ends. This is a hair colour technique where ALL the ends are coloured and the transition from the deeper roots and light ends is going to be pretty short. More of a blocky look let's say. One of the reasons that ombre hair is such a popular look is thanks to how easy it is to maintain. Thanks to the gradual colour gradation, as your hair grows out, the lighter sections subtly move further down the tips.


Meaning to paint, in French! I love that! So this is a freehanded technique which is applied to just to the surface of the hair. It gives a more natural look than the basic hi-light. It is designed to replicate what the sun does to your hair. A natural sunkissed look. By strategically freehand painting the hair, you can highlight or even detract from certain features of your face, and you can be sure that no one else out there has the exact same hair color as you.


Ok, so I don't want to go on and on about this colour and that colour but I do have to mention before I finish the lastest trend, the Layage. I know, the names they give them but this one sort of is in keeping with actually what they do. Similar to Balayage, the Layage gives a graduated lightening or colouring effect. The only difference is you do it laying back. Not sure how many clients can have this done in the salon at once as it does take up a lot of space but I personally love it! It's basically dividing the hair into sections and laying it out onto a board. Depending on how long your hair is, this board has to be big enough to accomodate so you can see how this could be a problem on a busy Saturday afternoon. Fun though and it gives our colourist full artistic control. So if you don't mind being centre of attention for an hour or so then go for it, the results are great!

So there it is, the difference between Sombre, Ombre, Balayage and even Layage. They all do take a little bit extra time and money to achieve compared to your normal half head hi-light appointment but once done they are relatively low maintanence and cost. For your next few appointments you would just book a root tint which is a lot quicker and a whole lot better for the bank balance! So when it comes to all colour techniques and trends, sometimes the differences between them are so nuanced that it’s hard to keep them straight. Never fear. We’re here. Our colour experts at our Crouch End hair salon are ready to give any advice on all the upto date colours and trends. We have a vast amount of knowledge on all aspects of Balayage, Omber, etc. We've even been told on numerous occassions that we do the best Balayage in North London so don't be affraid to pop in and just ask us for some advice. But remember, when your hair is coloured in any way, whether it’s lifted to a brighter colour or altered to a darker one, it changes the pH balance of your hair. So please do talk to one of our creative stylists at our Crouch End hair salon about what’s best to keep your hair feeling and looking healthy or you can also check out our Healthy Hair section on our instagram for advice on how to look after your dry hair

Written by Salon Owner Debbie Newman Avalon Hair Salon Crouch End London


Ok, so we are starting to come out of lockdown. The summer is around the corner and we’re going to have one hell of a good one! What you notice in the mirror is not actually what you want to take out onto the street. Zoom calls are all well and good as nobody notices that scraped back greasy ponytail but we can’t get away with it when we’re back face to face so one of the questions you may be asking yourself is  “What can I do about my greasy hair?"

There’s one obvious answer which springs to mind, “get your hi-lights done”, which is one of the reasons some of my clients at Avalon Crouch End Hairdressers have hi-lights, it helps dry out the greasy roots. Unfortunately though until the 12th April, all being well, we are stuck with our greasy dark roots. Even after the 12th, to get an appointment soon after the restrictions are lifted could be a problem on it’s own. If you haven’t booked your appointment already then get on it as they are going fast! BOOK HERE

So let’s start with  “Why do I have greasy hair?”

The answer is our sebaceous glands on our scalp which produces Sebum oil. This oil keeps the scalp moisturised and prevents your hair from becoming brittle. An increase in this oil can be caused by a few factors like hormone fluctuations, using too many products, lifestyle and over use of heat products. When the oil absorbs into our hair it can cause the greasy appearance. It’s not a bad thing! In fact it’s great for the hair. It gives us the shiny, healthy hair we all crave but too much can make it look limp and flat. 

You may say, “that’s all well and good but my hair gets greasy after one day!” This can be annoying and hard work. Unfortunately this can come down to what texture your hair is. If you have fine or thin hair, this tends to be more prone to becoming greasy unlike, thick, curly, coarse hair which can look better after a week without a drop of shampoo.

Can touching my hair too much make it greasy?

Yes, too much brushing or touching your hair can stimulate the sebum glands which leads to more oil production from your scalp, so once you’ve styled it, leave it alone. 

So what can I do about my greasy hair?

You’ve most probably read about the fad of putting apple cider in your hair, right? And like most people, this sounds like the perfect quick fix but it does set off alarm bells. “Does putting vinegar on my hair damage it?” Well the answer is YES! 

I’m not sure if you ever went on holiday and put lemon juice in your hair and came home with orange, dried out, brittle locks? Well vinegar will have the same effect due to the acidic PH. So please stay away from that bottle of acid!!!

What shampoo and conditioner can I use for greasy hair? 

Try to avoid anything that says damaged hair or shiny hair. These can end up making your hair look greasier due to a coating that may cover the follicles. I would choose a lighter shampoo and conditioner. As part of our Kerastase range we have a perfect shampoo for this exact problem, Kerastase Bain Divalent shampoo for oily roots. It’s a scalp balancing shampoo that treats oily roots by regulating the overproduction of sebum.

As for conditioner for greasy hair, why not try Kerastase Sepcifique Hydra Apaisant Hair Mask. It is great for hydrating and smoothing hair to enhance scalp quality and scalp defense. Ask one of our Kerastase experts at Avalon Crouch End hair salon for more advice. 

Can washing my hair too much make it greasier?

Yes, If you over wash your scalp you dry out the sebaceous glands which has been proven to react by producing more oil. We end up in a vicious cycle of washing it everyday. Why not have a day off in between washes and find a nice way to tie your hair up or grab a scarf and get creative, so on-trend! Check out our Hairstyles section on our instagram page

I just want a quick fix to greasy hair?

Well my advice if you are looking for a quick fix is to head for the dry shampoo department. This absorbent powder spray is a god send for those oversleeping, last minute invitations (remember those) kind of people. It’s great for soaking up those greasy roots but please be aware, too much of this heaven sent ingredients will cause a build up on your scalp which may lead to dandruff so no overloading ladies. 

What food should I eat for hair?

So here we are again. What do I eat to stop my hair from being greasy? 

I can tell you to lay off the greasy burgers and head to the veg aisle but we all know this, so I won’t. 

Check out our  Healthy Hair section on our Instagram page for more details.

So that’s it folks! My tips for getting rid of greasy hair. Here's to beautiful hair when we get out of lockdown!

Written by Debbie Newman, Avalon Hair Salon Haringey London

Ask the experts at Avalon: Why does my hair feel so dry?

by Debbie Newman January 14, 2021

Your head is covered with millions of strands of hair.  Each strand is covered by thousands of scales.  These scales, or the cuticle acts as a protective layer.  When your hair is at it's healthiest and all of these scales are laying smoothly along the length of the hair strand, your hair will be soft and appear shiny.  When this protective layer is damaged, your hair will feel dry, look dull and become brittle.  

Your hair feels dry because you are using products and practices that damage the cuticle layer.  Practices such as colour over processing and excessive heat, will inadvertently cause dryness and damage to our hair.


Olaplex is our go to product when a client has extremely damaged hair. Whether you have dyed, coloured hair, or struggle with breakage from heat styling, the active Olaplex ingredients will help repair broken bonds for sleeker, healthier looking hair.

Elixir Ultime L'huile Original is my favourite everyday hair product. I use it on myself and on all my clients. We have the full range of Kerastase product in our Haringey Hair Salon. Pop in and one of our Kerastase experts will be happy to help you decided what products would work best for your hair.

Using too much heat and not caring for your hair can also leave your hair looking dry, dull and lifeless so instead of reaching for those hairdryers, tonging, etc. just let your hair dry naturally. If you have straight hair then just blow dry your hair once it's naturally died by 95% and it you like the curly look then only head for those tongs once it's completely dry. Then only curl the very top section to give you that controlled curl look.

Dry hair?

Exposure to the suns harmful UV rays can be another reason for hair damage. My best advice to you if is "Wear a hat!" It's the best protection of all!

Have a happy hair day. Debbie from Crouch End Hairdresser X

Even if you've been kinder to your hair during quarantine, deliberately cutting back on heat styling during the work week, you may still be dealing with strands that grow too slowly or seemingly not at all. There are a few easy-to-follow remedies for maximizing your growth potential.

Our Hair experts at our Crouch End Hair Salon spill their top hair-growth tips. You can implement just one or put them all into practice, and you'll be reaping the benefits of extra inches before you know it.

Address Your Specific Scalp Needs 

It may sound intuitive, but healthy hair starts all the way up at the root, which means that your scalp is an integral part of the equation. Kerastase Specify Stimuliste Spray is an energising anti-hair loss spray to stimulate hair production while improving hair density and substance. Talk to one of our Kerastase experts at Avalon Hairdressers in Haringey for more advice.

Schedule A Seasonal Haircut 

On the flip side, down-the-back princess hair also requires a standing salon appointment with a hairstylist skilled in the art of dusting dead ends. "Make sure that you’re in the hands of a good hairstylist who understands barely-trimming," says Debbie Newman, owner of Avalon Crouch End Hair Salon. She tells us that a stylist who trims for growth will be able to cut into the hair in a way that maintains — and promotes — extra length, and doesn't just lop off a few inches.

Use A Deep Conditioner 

Those who are frustrated by their slow grow-out process are often forgetting the TLC. Masking, deep conditioning, and being super gentle with the hair are all equally important. "I recommend using a hydrating hair mask weekly to maintain hair strength and prevent split ends," says Debbie, who recommends Olaplex. "I also would make sure you're using a hydrating shampoo and conditioner that won't dry your hair out." This is especially important if you're using hot tools or getting highlights because both make your hair prone to breakage, which is the opposite of what you want.

Eat A Healthy Diet

You may not be able to make your hair grow faster than it's genetically capable of growing, but you can help maximise its potential by eating a healthy, nutrient-rich diet. If you lack in certain minerals, vitamins, and proteins, your hair will start growing slower. To make hair grow at its optimum level, you need a lot of protein and iron. Red meat, oily fish, and eggs are fantastic for hair, as they all have the sulfur rich amino acids your body uses to make new hair cells. Hair-growth vitamins are often pricey and can be hit or miss — so start by focusing simply on putting good nutrients into your body, and enjoy the fringe benefit of longer, shinier, all-around healthier hair.

Written by Debbie Newman, Avalon Hair Salon Crouch End

10 Tips to Keep Your Red Hair Vibrant

Not yet ready to wave the summer goodbye? Think again! Red Leather hair colour is the beautiful look for autumn. Red, copper or strawberry, these shades of red can be deep and rich, or they can go soft and understated—but they all seem to come out quickly in the wash. While the picky pigments in reds require a little extra upkeep, these top tips from our color pros will keep reds happy and vibrant between applications.


Always opt for shampoos, conditioners, and stylers that are labeled “safe for colour-treated hair.” Our Kerastase Reflection Chromatique Colour range are formulated to reduce fading colour or bring out unwanted, brassy tones.


True story: Water dulls hair colour, especially reds. Hold onto your pigment by shampooing as little as possible, and getting a good dry shampoo for the off days. Ours has panthenol and vitamin E, so it can cleanse hair without drying it out.


When you do suds up, give just-conditioned hair a nice cold rinse to seal the cuticle and preserve your color. While some folks disagree on this one, we're decidedly pro. Added bonus? A spritz under cold water and you'll feel more alive than ever—promise.


It's no secret that healthy hair means better colour, and this is especially true for reds. Get ahead of process-worn locks with a moisturizing deep conditioner the day before your colour application, and once a week thereafter.


Our colour professionals at Avalon will always recommend that we touch up the roots and only refresh the ends so as not to cause over-processing or over-darkening results. So if you decide to try this at home keep touch-ups strictly to regrowth, and avoid overlapping.

Mixing at-home hair color


Look alive between colour applications with an enhancing treatment like Avalon colour gloss and tone—the colourist secret weapon here at North London Hair Salon. It's available in a range of shades, so you can target your treatment and prevent the fading that can happen over time.


Because of the nature of red pigments, redheads need an all-over colour boost more often than their blonde or brunette counterparts. So for consistently rich, even color from root to tip, be sure to keep those colour refreshes regular.


The sun is another serious culprit in the case of dulling colour. Extend the life of your shade (and protect yourself from UV rays) by covering up whenever you hit the great outdoors.


Between dried-out strands and altered tones, pool water can be colour kryptonite. You can avoid over-chlorination by wetting hair with tap water and adding just a tad of Kerastase Kérastase Elixir Ultime before you take a dip. Better yet? Try a swim cap.


Did we mention that sun fades color? Because it really, really does. Put your best red forward with a daily leave-in conditioner that also has UV protectant properties.

This article was written by Debbie at Avalon at our Crouch End Hair Salon specialist.

During the winter months, cold outside weather combined with central heating indoors can wreak havoc on your strands, leading to split ends and breakage.

To avoid winter hair woes you should follow the 5 top tips for healthy winter hair, brought to you by the expert hair stylists at Avalon. Crouch End Hair Salon.

1. Nourish Your Scalp 

Your scalp can be prone to dryness during the winter months, the changing temperatures and warm headwear can irritate the scalp and damage the hair. 

At our Crouch End hair salon, we have a wide range of deeply nourishing treatments from luxury haircare range Kerastase, which pampers hair and scalp with rich moisture. Ask your Avalon hair stylist for information on which product would be ideal to address your hair concerns. 

2. Prevent Dull, Dry & Damaged Coloured Hair

Neglecting your coloured hair during the winter can lead to it looking dull and lifeless. At our hair salon in Crouch End, we only stock the very best hair colour products and can recommend home hair care ranges to protect the condition and colour of your hair between salon visits. 

To keep your hair glossy and healthy during winter, consistently hydrating hair is the key. The Kerastase Reflection Masque Chromatique ensures hair does not dry out, that your colour stays looking vibrant between salon visits and reduces the risk of hair breakage.

3. Feed Your Hair From The Inside

By following a healthy, balanced eating plan, you can achieve hair that is stronger, shinier and thicker hair. Food that helps with the growth of hair can help you achieve lustrous shiny and resilient hair from the inside out.

Eat the correct balance of the following nutrients including protein, vitamins and minerals to supply hair with all that it needs to remain shiny, lustrous and strong. Omega 3 foods can help nourish your hair, leaving it looking glossy and encouraging new hair growth. 

4. Trim Split Ends This Winter

Regular trims are a great way to keep your hair in good health during the winter months.  We recommend you visit our Crouch End hair salon every 6 to 8 weeks for a light trim to remove split ends and leave your hair looking more healthy. 

5. Upgrade Your Styling Products 

Ensure that your hair looks sensational during the winter and beyond by upgrading your styling tools and products. The Avalon team of experts can advise on the best heated styling tools to use that will preserve the condition of your locks and show you which styling products we have in the salon to give you healthier, stronger, shiner hair every time.

This article was written by Debbie at Avalon.

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